Thursday, April 14, 2011

Seminary Fail

Seminary student #1: “hey! what is a good bible verse about grace that i can memorize like a mantra? (not john 3:16)”

Seminary student #2: mmmm, that's a question for [seminarian who likes grace a lot]

Seminary student #1: haha. duly noted.

Seminary student #2: or pick up your copy of Brennan Manning

Seminary student #1: good point.

Seminary student #2: I'm making such good suggestions.

Seminary student #1: you are.

Seminary student #2: but yet can't think of a verse...

Seminary student #1: well, i mean other than the one about you are saved by grace, not by works, that is somehow the only one i can think of

Seminary student #2: yeah, other than that one, I don't think the Bible says much about it.

Seminary student #1: interesting. i should have noticed this before now. hahaha.

Seminary student #2: wait, is that true? I was being an ass

Seminary student #1: hahahaha.

man, i am just in an accept-everything-state-of-mind.

how can i not think of any verses with grace!

ok, i'm doing a computer search

ok, there are like a million hits

you are never to speak of this conversation with anyone



my grace is sufficient for you!

how could i have forgotten that one?

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