Saturday, May 1, 2010

"I love to arbitrarily highlight study guides"

When you have enough time, studying for exams is exhilarating.

Highlighting. Memorizing. Making lists. Arranging your papers in a systematic pattern that only you understand.

So. Much. Fun.

This is why I loved Greek with all of my heart and mind and soul and strength. I cannot wait to take it for real again next semester. I am excited to go on vocabulary walks and to take my white board to parties and to wake up and go to sleep every day with a Greek word or paradigm stuck in my head.

Please, can someone give me a job where I can just be successful at memorizing things? I would like that very much.


1 comment:

  1. You could get a job as a fortune teller. Most of that is just observation and memory.

    You: I sense someone new in your life. I see the letter 'H' or 'I' or 'J'.
    Me: That must be my son, Ian!
    You: I sense that this person is a boy, somehow related to you.
    Me: Holy Frick! You're right. He's my son, Ian!
    You: I sense that you are very close.
    Me: Holy Frick Again! You're SO getting a tip for this reading.

    You just earned a cool $20.
